Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Kudrow; a mix of musicians from pretty well-known bands (Bomb The Music Industry!, Latterman, Halo Fauna) recorded this 7" in 2009. The EP itself is a mix of fuzzy guitar, quickly shouted lyrics, and generally catchiness. "Commutilation!" opens up the EP, and you can tell right away what you're in for. Between the guitar and bass tones, the song reeks of fun. It's a loud, noisy song, but somehow retains the same catchiness you would expect from the band members. The intro to the next track reminds me a lot The Black Lips. The guitar is just as fuzzy as the previous one, however, Jeff's vocals are a lot more clear. This works pretty well with the bass line and backing drums, as does the usual Jeff shouting during the chorus. The song is a stronger one than what came before; however, the solos tend to get a bit annoying.

"Favreau" is the third song, and it's not too bad. Jeff's vocals are clean, and it features a clapping set to the rhythm of the drums, however, it seems to lack the fun as the previous tracks. "Brooklyn Pool" closes, and features a really slow intro, with a slow beat throughout the verse. The song is a really nice way to close the EP which featured speedy, fuzz-filled guitar riffs and shouting vocals. The EP isn't too bad, considering it was recorded live. The overall tone of the guitar gets annoying sometimes, but, the EP is solid, though that's expected from these musicians.

Quote Unquote is an awesome label. Donate some money and pick this thing up.

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