Monday, April 4, 2011

Can't Slow Down

Saves The Day; since 1997 the Jersey band’s been touring, releasing records and changing members. Can't Slow Down is the band's first album, recorded back when Chris was still in high school. Upon first listen, it sounds like an exact clone of Jersey counterparts, Lifetime. Though it sounds similar, the vocals are much poppier and cleaner, and the guitar seems to be a lot heavier.

The album itself is full of catchy songs with chorus sing-alongs and gang vocals. The instruments are played quickly, the drumming is precise, and Chris Conley's voice is young and whiny. All of these things create great sounding songs that sound amazing thirteen years later. Songs like "Handsome Boy", "Sometimes, New Jersey", and "Collision" are quick little songs packed with so much energy, you can't help but shout along to it. Other tracks, like "Blindfolded" and "Jodie" are longer tracks that help fill out the album. "Jodie" features a fantastic bass and drum intro, before breaking into a great melodic hardcore track. The tracks on here suffer from sounding too similar. The lyrics aren't quite as "there" as they are with the later tracks, although this could be since Chris was still in high school.

Still, despite the lackluster lyrical content and the generic melodic/Jersey hardcore instrumentation, the album is a solid debut for Saves The Day. While the band may have grown up, and out of being hardcore kids, we're still left with young Chris Conley and company and the fantastic music they can write.

Ten dollars for this gem. Also, ten dollars for Through Being Cool. Get them both.

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