The EP is four solid tracks, each with a distinct feature. The opener, "Isae Aldy Beausoleil" kicks in with a furious amount of energy. Ari has always had distinct vocals, and they're very present in the track. It's a solid opener, a great sing-a-long, but, it doesn't have the same power as the others. "Ferret" comes in as the next track and is one wonderful song. The dual-guitar really helps move the track along, and the lyrics are some of the best. "Don't hold your head up so high/you won't see what's coming next". The song's energy really builds up throughout the track too. The fast-pace returns with "Starsixtynine", one of their most well-known songs, and rightfully so. Dan's shouting, Ari's vocals, and the instruments mix up perfectly. The song itself is an energy-filled burst of melodies, anger, and angst. It shows the direction the band was headed. But, the closer, "Ampersand", the band heads back to their early style; very dark lyrics, a build-up style of playing and Ari sounds like he's close to tears when singing the verses.
Tinnitus is definitely an awkward release for Lifetime. As the bridge between old and new, the EP is put in an odd spot. When stacked up against their old stuff, it seems like something completely different, when up against the Jade Tree-era, it can't hold a candle. But, when looked at as just an EP, it becomes a good release. Four solid songs, all there lyrically, musically; the EP is a good release. However, some of Ari's singing is completely incoherent, which is a shame since the lyrics are wonderful. Also, the band didn't have a solid line-up, so there's not a perfect mesh between all members. Still, being Lifetime, the EP manages to be very enjoyable and most of all; good.
The EP itself is out of print, but, for 14 bucks you can purchase Somewhere in the Swamps of Jersey. It's a collection of all their early stuff. Double CD, 14 bucks. That's 7 dollars per CD. Awesome deal.
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